Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rock N' Roll McDonalds - Wesley Willis

Artist: Wesley Willis
Song: Rock N' Roll McDonalds
Year: 1995
Album: Greatest Hits Volume One

I am proud to say that I was born in the same city as Wesley Willis. Some people found him annoying. I found him to be an inspiration. Whenever I am stuck in the process of songwriting, I think of what Wesley Willis would have done. He had no filter on his lyrics. He wrote and released hundreds of songs before he died. Many were simple, but effective.

It didn't matter what the topic was. He was honest and funny, I think without even realizing it. I love an artist who can approach music without boundaries. Whether it was calling Batman an asshole or playing a minute and a half fill button solo, he was truly an original.

Wesley was an outsider artist. Many of his drawing have been used on his album releases. All of this and more made him endearing as an artist. The majority of his songs would end with the phrase, "Rock over London, rock on Chicago" and then end in any number of advertising slogans. He was a simplistic visionary who wrote about what he saw.

"Rock N' Roll McDonalds" is probably his best known song. It throws in grains of truth about the dangers of McDonalds burgers and promotes the Rock N' Roll McDonalds in downtown Chicago.
Rock over London.
Rock on Chicago.
McDonald's, You deserve a break today.

McDonalds is a place to rock
It is a place where they buy food to eat
It is a good place to listen to the music
People flock here to listen to the rock music

Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds

McDonalds will make you fat
They serve Big Macs
They serve quater pounders
They will put pounds on you

Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds

McDonalds hamburgers are the worst
They are worse than Burger King
A Big Mac has 26 grams of fat
A quarter pounder has 28 grams of fat

Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock and Roll McDonalds

Rock on in London
Rock on Chicago
Wheaties, breakfast of champions

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